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Local Entertainment

Get the most from your leftovers

What's the best part of Christmas dinner, besides the delicious table full of holiday favourites such as turkey, ham and stuffing, and the nap that follows? Why, leftovers of course! Have you ever been to a Christmas dinner where guests actually cons

A look at a century-old city

Edmonton was already in its teen years before author Tony Cashman was even born, but that didn’t deter him from dredging up some folkloric gems like the Indiana Jones of local history.

Plenty of good entertainment this festive season

You’ve worked hard all year in this crazy world.
Festival Players

Festival Players

When a director gets on the phone to plug a show, they usually love to discuss the gifted playwright or their dynamite cast. Not Shelley Tookey.
Classic animation makes triumphant return

Classic animation makes triumphant return

Five years. Five long years. That’s how long it’s been for since Disney’s lamentable decision to scrap its long-standing traditional hand-drawn animation department.
Ten victorious years

Ten victorious years

Bob Brandon came to St. Albert with a vision. "Most people put church in this box," says the former pastor of Victory Life Church: it's separate from the community, a place you go to get your soul insurance renewed.

Community ready to sing together

Every year when the sun sets behind the Arden Theatre, people trudge happily through the snow to rejoice in the traditional Community Carol Sing.

Everything wanted to know about English but were afraid to ask

Many people have told me that the English language is the most complex and therefore most difficult language in the world to learn.

Local Spotlight

Every year the Kokopelli choirs of Shumayela (12-16), Kokopelli (14-24) and Oran (adult) grow both musically and spiritually.
Local Spotlight

Local Spotlight

What better way to relive the magic of Christmas than with two of the most anticipated Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (ESO) concerts of the Robbins Pops Series. In A Very Merry Pops, on Dec. 18 and 19 at 8 p.m.
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