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Local Arts and Culture

Six cheers for craft beers at weekend fest

Six cheers for craft beers at weekend fest

Breaking down the fence in new Boushie doc

Breaking down the fence in new Boushie doc

WARES gets a reboot

WARES gets a reboot

The Shop WARES store is closed while work is going on behind the scenes to spruce it up before its grand reopening in early June.
Portfolio: Weekly art listings

Portfolio: Weekly art listings

Portfolio: Weekly art listings

Portfolio: Weekly art listings

Bookshop a dream come true for Gazette critic

Bookshop a dream come true for Gazette critic

Ah ... the dream to own a bookstore. Most bibliophiles can probably relate to Emily Mortimer’s character in this wonderful and easy dramatic film set that caps off another season of the Friends of the St. Albert Public Library’s Reel Mondays film series. What a perfect choice to screen a movie that also pays homage to the importance of books!
Portfolio: Weekly art listings

Portfolio: Weekly art listings

Presenting Purcell the poet

Presenting Purcell the poet

The name Jason Purcell might be familiar to local literati for his involvement in the crowdfunded bookstore-slash-wine bar-slash-community space called Glass Bookshop. While that project is still in gestation, the St. Albert-raised writer has come up with something that might very well sit on the store’s shelves some day.
Here's looking at you, Curtiz

Here's looking at you, Curtiz

Casablanca director Michael Curtiz was a very private man during his life. Now, his granddaughter has come forward with a new book delving into his complicated life, one that included three marriages, extramarital relationships, and many children.
Portfolio: Weekly art listings

Portfolio: Weekly art listings

Art Gallery of St. Albert High Energy 24 features works by students from Bellerose Composite High School, École Secondaire Saint Marguerite d’Youville, École Secondaire Paul Kane High School, St.
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