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Eldorado Park changes nearing finish line

Eldorado Park changes nearing finish line

The redistricting of Eldorado Park could pass next week after the first two readings of both related bylaws were passed Tuesday night.
Who, who, who? Hoo, hoo!

Who, who, who? Hoo, hoo!

It was a dark December night four years ago. I was walking home from work along Boudreau Road when I heard a strange, faint sound, just barely audible over the sound of the evening traffic. "Whoo, whoo? Whoo, whoo?" My heart soared.
Pedestrian hit in McDonald's parking lot

Pedestrian hit in McDonald's parking lot

A woman is in hospital after she was struck in the parking lot of McDonald's Restaurant at 369 St. Albert Trail on Tuesday afternoon.
City researches changing medical marijuana laws

City researches changing medical marijuana laws

The botanical arts city could get a little greener if a licensed medical marijuana growing facility opts to set up shop in St. Albert. Here's one the marketing types overlooked when they came up with St.
Tales around the dinner table

Tales around the dinner table

In recognition of Family Day, the Gazette interviewed two local families – the Mitchells and the Mentzes – about their approach to achieving a strong family bond. Here is the story of the Mitchell family.
The family that travels together …

The family that travels together …

In recognition of Family Day, the Gazette interviewed two local families – the Mitchells and the Mentzes – about their approach to achieving a strong family bond. Here is the story of the Mentz family.
Choose your Family Day activity

Choose your Family Day activity

What are you doing Family Day? Hint: Do something with the family, hence the name.
Talking about concussions

Talking about concussions

Dr. John Neilson believes “the easiest headache to treat is the one that doesn’t happen.
City looking at $1.25 million surplus from 2013

City looking at $1.25 million surplus from 2013

Preliminary numbers show the city is sitting at a $1.25 million surplus for 2013.
Residents help catch five impaired drivers

Residents help catch five impaired drivers

St. Albert RCMP are pleased that their phone lines are ringing. Last weekend, those calls helped nab five impaired drivers. Between Friday, Feb. 7 and Monday, Feb.
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